About Focused Sustainability
We work with businesses of all sizes and industries to evaluate the inefficiencies associated with the operational waste streams. We then implement tested, ROI-proven resource management strategies including waste reduction, recycling, and energy management to reduce costs and increase operational efficiencies while promoting sound sustainability practices. We turn your waste liabilities into assets.
Our Founder and President, John Clifford, is a member of NHBSR (New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility) and serves on the NHBSR Programs and Services Committee.www.nhbsr.org
Focused Sustainability is a member of the U.S. Zero Waste Business Council, their mission is: The U.S. Zero Waste Business Council mission is to educate, inform and document the performance of Zero Waste Businesses using scientific methods to help businesses and communities become more healthy and sustainable. www.uszwbc.org
Focused Sustainability is a partner and supporter of www.greenmelocally.com A community-driven directory of green businesses, resources, and green living information for cities and states across the U.S.
Focused Sustainability is a supporter of Green Lodging News - The lodging industry's leading environmental news source - www.greenlodgingnews.com